It’s been a strange time this year. For me a time for sadness and reflection. Due to amazingly poor timing, my cut and colour appointment was the day after lockdown started resulting in white roots of well over two inches I even became emboldened to radically change my hair; to a brilliant red and significantly shorter. This major departure from my ’normal’ was accompanied by many more soothing projects, so many more that I decided to create a blog to share them with the world.
I’ve lost count of the sweaters, cardigans and shawls I’ve knitted and crochet at the beginning of lockdown.
I then moved onto some long overdue DIY and recovered the dining room chairs with some end of line fabric I’ve had in ‘The Woollery’ for several years.
Add some macrame into the mix along with a lockdown quilt, which became two then three and you can tell I’ve been a busy bunny.
I also began recycling things from around the home when I could no longer get any new yarns or fabrics for projects.
So while I ponder which of these projects to share first I will just drop a link to the MacMillan Mystery KnitAlong which I’m currently taking part in.
A full blog post or two will follow shortly.
Be safe my lovelies,
Babs x